Most trusted and Famous Caustic Sulfite Caramel Colour Manufacturer, & Supplier - India

At Mascot, we manufacture caustic sulfite caramel colour also known as E150b type caramel colour in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. This type of caramel colour is made in heat treatment of carbohydrates in the presence of sulfite compounds. They do not contain any ammonium components in them. They are spirit soluble and slightly red in tone. In addition to this they are negative charge carrier. They are commonly used in tea, whiskey and brandy to enhance the colours of the product. The components that we utilize in fabricating are completely pure and natural to make them safe for use in any consumption product.

We have equipments that are embedded with the latest technologies to make us the most renowned manufacturer of caustic sulfite caramel colour.

Caustic Sulfite Caramel Colour, Caustic Sulfite Caramel Colour Manufacturer

Our quality experts that precisely check the end product, supervise the composition of this caramel colour. The characteristics of the colours are kept considering various points like pH, ionic charge, heat and light stability as well as proper viscosity. Our years of experience in the industry have made us capable to become the brand name as a supplier of caustic sulfite caramel colour in Gujarat and exporter in all over India.

Microbiological Specification
Plate count per gm Max. 200
Yeast per gm Max. 10Cfu
Mold per gm Max. 10Cfu
E. coli per gm Less than 3
Salmonella/25gm Negative
Storage conditions Not to expose to direct sun light and store below 32°C
Shelf life 1 year
Physical & Chemical Specifications
Colour Intensity  %/mass 0.05-0.10
Specific Gravity @ 20°C 1.34-1.35
pH 2.9-3.5
Ionic Charge Negative
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